May 11, 2011

Mi pequeño guepardo…. :)

Artículo en español o en english.
Espero que les guste tanto como a mi… I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…
Ninna :)

May 9, 2011

my little scientist!! :)

This was the last time i found little Nick creating his own mess with his greatgrandma´s things….. so after several times cleaning the bathroom, the kitchen and the bedrooms, I decided that maybe instead of a time out he needed a right place to explode the scientist that lives inside of him lol!! and so…… we are making science!!! :) and he is the happiest kiddo in the entire world!!
This was our first time with the science class……
We mixed vinegar, baking soda and watch the reaction… so much fun!!! :) so we decided to give him a scientist birthday present and it is a nice chemistry thingy for kids that teaches them about colour theory…
And guess what?? the bathroom disaster is something from the past.. because this huge science boy behaves himself and knows that every time he feels the need to try something he can ask for it and he will have a place and a time to have fun in a way that his marvellous brain needs. :)
Ninna :)

May 7, 2011

Monkey´s birthday

Thank God for this awesome 4 years by your side!! You are my SUN!!!! You make me shout, love, scream, laugh, breath… i deeply deeply love you my darling.. my own very special Wild Thingy lol!! love you Nick… Life could not be better than it is today, you are my miracle… my handsome boy…

Mom… :)


3e mdhr4,mfhre,kfre
Nick! ;D

May 6, 2011

Felices Pascuas!!

Me he propuesto el subir fotos frecuentes de algunos de los trabajos que hace Nick, así que aun cuando la fecha ya paso quiero llevar un recuento de algunas de las actividades con las que nos hemos divertido durante este tiempo!!
Este año la decoración de los huevitos de pascua fue mucho mas sencilla, pero me gusto, primero los pintamos todos con plumones acuacolor y después con un pincel y agua le hicimos un efecto estilo acuarela ;) Casi todos son BLUE por que es el color favorito de Nicolás!! El trío de huevitos guapos los decoro mi princesa!!! Cada día dibuja mejor y mejor…. son mi par de artistas!! los amoooooo!! :)

Ninna :)
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